The ECTS is the Higher Education credits system adopted in the European Space and comprehends all the countries involved in the Bologna Process, included Italy. One of the objective of the Bologna Process, it is to arrive to the creation of a commons credits system as useful tool to promote the students mobility at European level and to reply to the following needs:
- An improvement of the European Qualification Framework for the permanent acknowledgment (EQF)
- To reach the need to ensure quality for the accreditation of courses and study titles in the Higher Education
- To improve the global dimension of the Bologna Process that permits an equal standardization of the evaluation obtained in all the European countries.
SantaGiulia Fine Arts Academy is part of the EGRACONS (European Grade Conversion System), born in the LLP 2012-2015 project and financed by the European Commission, with the purpose to make the exchange mobilities more easier through the realization of a net system of evaluation conversion. The project wants to improve the knwoledge of different european evaluation system, giving everyone the possibility to better understand and interprete them correctly.
See here more about the Egracons Partners
First Level Degree
ISCED CODE 0213 | Fine Arts | I cycle-EQF 6 |
Grading Scale N. marks % Cumulative % |
18 394 1,6 100
19 154 0,6 98,4
20 378 1,6 97,8
21 305 1,3 96,2
22 572 2,4 94,9
23 856 3,5 92,5
24 1400 5,8 89
25 1816 7,5 83,2
26 2703 11,1 75,7
27 3616 14,9 64,6
28 3930 16,2 49,7
29 2339 9,6 33,5
30 3718 15,3 23,9
30 Cum Laude 2122 8,7 8,6
ACADEMIC YEARS CONSIDERED: 2020-2021 // 2022-2023 | | TOT MARKS: 24303 |
Second Level Degree
ISCED CODE 0213 | Fine Arts | II cycle-EQF 7 |
Grading Scale N. marks % Cumulative % |
18 15 0,6 100
19 5 0,2 99,4
20 17 0,7 99,2
21 13 0,5 98,5
22 25 1 98
23 29 1,2 97
24 59 2,5 95,8
25 105 4,4 93,3
26 160 6,7 88,9
27 242 10,2 82,2
28 386 16,2 72
29 319 13,4 55,8
30 590 24,8 42,4
30 Cum Laude 417 17,5 17,6
ACADEMIC YEARS CONSIDERED: 2020-2021 // 2022-2023 | | TOT MARKS: 2382 |