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Educational Tour in Trento

November 14, 2018

Vocational Service
Educational Tour in Trento

Educational Tour is a set of itinerant encounters in high schools of the national territory, wich aims to help students to choose the most suitable university to realize their pofessional life project. 

On November 14th we will be in Trento, guests of Liceo Buonarroti, from 9.00 am to 13.30 am.  



Accademia SantaGiulia - Vincenzo Foppa Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS - Via Cremona, 99 - 25124 Brescia
Num. Iscr. Reg. delle Imprese di Brescia e partita IVA: 02049080175 - R.E.A. 291386 - CAP. SOC. Euro 25.148,68