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Open day three year courses

10th July2024

Vocational Service
Open day three year courses

After high school, it’s time to think about your future, your passions and find out which course of study can be closer to your interests.

Wednesday, July 10th, from 9:30, our office opens its doors to all students to give the opportunity to learn about the educational offer of the three-year courses and to deepen our teaching approach.

An opportunity to meet the guidance office and some students to know in detail the educational offer with a one-to-one comparison. We will talk about courses, study plans, admission requirements, spaces, services and business collaborations.

Register and participate in the Open Day by mail

If you have no way to attend, follow the online presentation of the courses at 11:00 (the link for online participation will be sent to you the day before the event)

Accademia SantaGiulia since 1999 the university of creative, digital and not.



Accademia SantaGiulia - Vincenzo Foppa Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS - Via Cremona, 99 - 25124 Brescia
Num. Iscr. Reg. delle Imprese di Brescia e partita IVA: 02049080175 - R.E.A. 291386 - CAP. SOC. Euro 25.148,68