Vocational Service
Are you considering completing your three-year education?
Friday, February 2nd, 2024 will be held in the SantaGiulia Academy a day of Open Day dedicated to the biennial specialist:
you will meet the coordinators, teachers and students for the presentation of the courses.
Contact us by email at orientamento@accademiasantagiulia.it or at whatsapp number 3371451551 and book your place!
Learn more about the course of studies that interests you by participating in the in-depth meetings:
- 09.30am - Contemporary Visual Arts and Monumental Public Sculpture / Interior & Urban Design
- 11.30am - Graphics and communication / Artistic Decoration
- 12.30am - Digital Artistic Animator and New Media Communication
- 2.30pm - Communication and Teaching of art / Creative Web Specialist
- 3.30pm - Scenography and Technologies of the show
The guidance office will also be available to provide you with information on Erasmus+ and study abroad, Internship and Placement, Incoming Assessments, Admissions.
We are waiting for you!