dal 07/07/23 al 07/07/23
Master in Artistic Resource Management-Cultural, Tourist and Territorial of Accademia SantaGiulia aims to train the professional figure of the Cultural Manager experienced in the integrated promotion of the territory and is aimed at students holding a Bachelor’s Degree or a Bachelor’s Degree.
Friday, July 7th, 2023 at 4.30pm there will be an Open Day dedicated to the course: during the meeting it will be possible to meet the course coordinator Prof.ssa Claudia Tacchino and the Guidance Office, to collect all the information about the content, the professional outlets, the methods of admission to the course.
Report your interest to participate and book your place, in presence or online!
For more information:
contact the guidance office by email master@accademiasantagiulia.it or by calling whatsapp 3371451551.
I wanted to cultivate my creativity and grow my managerial skills: the Master of the SantaGiulia Academy was the appropriate answer to what I was looking for. It was a journey that allowed me to better know and deepen some of the cultural and tourist realities operating in my territory. It was a formative experience that made me understand my role in the world of culture.
Chiara Berteni, former student who now works at the Castle of Padernello Foundation