Restricted Area

Art and New technologies

Videomaker, digital artist, game designer, sound designer

Characteristics of the course of study

Become a new technology professional.
The three-year course of New technologies of art wants to provide students with the skills to manage the technological devices of contemporary communication. The path allows the acquisition of video shooting and editing techniques, 3D modeling and digital animation basics, (through the use of specific software such as Maya and After effects). This allows the creation of complete audio-video products in all their technical-creative phases: pre-production, shooting, editing and post- production. During the three-year course, we will also deal with teachings related to sound and programming for videogames and photography, but also aspects related to artistic experimentation with specific disciplines that offer the teaching of art on the net, digital culture, multimedia communication,

I Year

  • Computer Graphic (Photoshop and Illustrator base) (NT1) (5 CFA)
  • Digital cultures (6 CFA)
  • Digital video I (5 CFA)
  • Fundamentals of computer science (4 CFA)
  • Photography (6 CFA)
  • English (4 CFA)
  • Net Art (4 CFA)
  • Virtual realities and paradigms of complexity (4 CFA)
  • New media history and theory (6 CFA)
  • Theory and analysis of the cinema and the audiovisual (6 CFA)
  • 3D digital modeling techniques I (Maya) (6 CFA)
  • Web Design (4 CFA)

II Year

  • Virtual architecture (6 CFA) *
  • Computer Games I (Unity I) (6 CFA)
  • Multimedia communication (6 CFA)
  • Digital Video II (6 CFA)
  • Digital image processing (Photoshop) (6 CFA)
  • Multimedia Design (4 CFA) *
  • Sound-space design (6 CFA)
  • Interactive Systems (6 CFA)
  • Set design for video games I (story board) (4 CFA)
  • Digital animation techniques I (4 CFA)
  • Filming techniques (6 CFA)

III Year

  • Computer Games II (Unity II) (8 CFA)
  • Set design for video games II (story board) (4 CFA)
  • Sound Design (8 CFA)
  • New integrated media techniques (8 CFA)
  • Digital animation techniques II - Video animation (8 CFA)
  • 3D Digital Modeling Techniques II (Maya) (8 CFA)
  • Theory of perception and psychology of the form (4 CFA)
  • Work placement activity - project (8 CFA)
  • Final test (4 CFA)


Course Goals

The course of New technologies of art intends to ensure multimedia skills and knowledge aimed at managing the technological devices that are the basis of the new communication systems. Particular attention is paid to the design and management of digital media, aiming at the management of the user interface in view of the development of interactive systems and the experimentation of new virtual reality models that can be used within the contexts of audio-video installation, virtualization of museum spaces and the design and production of video games. The aim of the New Art Technologies course is therefore to teach how to manage new digital media both as regards their more strictly commercial uses, and to bend the same technological devices to new possible uses that aim.

Job perspectives

videomaker, digital artist, game designer, sound designer

The professional profile coming out of the Course of The professional profile coming out of the New Art Technologies it is that of a creative with multimedia production skills who uses both real (traditional shooting techniques) and virtual (3D digital modeling and animation) sources that can be perfectly integrated into production processes of commercials or film productions. He also possesses knowledge and skills for the realization of interactive web projects such as virtual museums or other activities with recreational / educational purposes. In addition to being able to participate in experimental research projects in the sectors of digital art, new media art and game design, the graduate will acquire basic skills that can be used on a professional level in the domains of sound design, interaction design, system development. interactive and multimedia installations for museums and exhibition spaces.

Image Gallery

Accademia SantaGiulia - Vincenzo Foppa Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS - Via Cremona, 99 - 25124 Brescia
Num. Iscr. Reg. delle Imprese di Brescia e partita IVA: 02049080175 - R.E.A. 291386 - CAP. SOC. Euro 25.148,68