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Scenography and entertainment technologies

Set designer, stage manager, designer of artistic spaces and live performance, theater director, an expert in setting up for events

Characteristics of the course of study

The two-year specialist course in Scenography and entertainment technologies allows an enhancement in the practice of technological and conceptual tools for the creation of images for the management of the stage space for theater, cinema, and television, as well as for the preparation of events and live performances. The course proposes a notable strengthening (always supported by a didactic methodological approach that combines visual storytelling with the reading and analysis of the text) in digital technologies and film, and television scenography and costume understood as a scenographic interpretation and characterization of the character.

I Year

  • Archetypes of the imaginary (6 CFA)
  • Lighting (6 CFA)
  • Design methodology (12 CFA)
  • Directing (10 CFA)
  • Scenography I (10 CFA)
  • Set design for the cinema I (10 CFA)
  • Digital animation techniques (6 CFA) *

II Year

  • Costume for the show (10 CFA)
  • Multimedia dramaturgy (6 CFA)
  • Phenomenology of the image (6 CFA)
  • Scenography II (10 CFA)
  • Set Design for the cinema II (10 CFA)
  • Choice course (6 CFA)
  • Thesis (12 CFA)



Course Goals

The Specialist Course in Scenography aims to strengthen the skills acquired in the three years regarding digital technologies and film and television scenography. There is also an in-depth study of stage costumes, during the two years. The rigorous application of the method acquired in the 1st level course, relating to familiarity with the practice of design for staging, will allow a conscious opening to the field of television, film, and special effects production, as well as the management of animation. Applicable to different forms of entertainment and digital scenography (from concerts to television studios to the management of significant live events).

Job perspectives

set designer, stage manager, designer of artistic spaces and live performance, theater director, an expert in setting up for events

The professional profile coming out of the Scenography Course is that of a fully trained Set Designer able to pursue his wn professional career by collaborating directly with other professional figures such as directors, choreographers, stage managers, artistic and photography directors or as creator and designer of their own personal real or virtual "scenic visions".
The figure can also propose himself as a professional film and television producer, theatrical institution and other productive realities in the field of entertainment as an assistant or collaborator in the staff of the technical direction, as an aid in the stages of construction of the scene in the laboratories or as an assistant driver in the phases assembly of the shows or as an assistant at the same ideational and planning phase of the scenography and costume.
The significant experiences carried out during the course and the internship will also allow him to deal with the same competence in the conception and design of installations, even if not strictly scenographic (photo and video sets, setting up of exhibitions, window dressing, stands, setting up of events, concerts, performance contemporary art installations).

Image Gallery

Accademia SantaGiulia - Vincenzo Foppa Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS - Via Cremona, 99 - 25124 Brescia
Num. Iscr. Reg. delle Imprese di Brescia e partita IVA: 02049080175 - R.E.A. 291386 - CAP. SOC. Euro 25.148,68