Artistic Decoration
Professional designer, executive art decorator
Characteristics of the course of study
Facing the two-year specialist course in Artistic decoration, the student refines and deepens his language by investigating and developing a characteristic creative lexicon and an idea of the creative-entrepreneurial definition of his work, following his path of professionalizing research. The laboratories and modules integrated into the courses, thanks to the collaboration with professionals and companies in the sector, develop integrated skills in decoration for the design and interventions in internal and external, public-private environments. In this case, the client is experienced in a relationship with the professional above all cultures. The intent is to educate the client by the Artistic Decorator in a relationship based on a mutual growth in the quality of the artistic activity in the public and private sphere. The training and research-action activities promoted in the two years will consider the lived experience, in the various contexts, from the projections of creative and artistic expression to the motivational impulses that each student will be able to put into action. Through the search for applicative technical solutions, the execution of new works, with the use of traditional or contemporary materials, will allow the artistic decorator to operate in the field of the art architecture, finalizing his work to achieve higher expressive quality, aesthetics, and innovation.
I Year
- Decoration I (10 CFA)
- Contemporary art languages (6 CFA)
- Methods and techniques of contemporary sacred decoration (10 CFA)
- Design methodology (12 CFA)
- Sound-space design (6 CFA) *
- History of decoration I (6 CFA)
- Techniques and technologies of decoration I (10 CFA)
II Year
- Decoration II (10 CFA)
- Psychology of art (6 CFA)
- History of Applied Arts (6 CFA)
- Techniques and technologies of decoration II (10 CFA)
- Contemporary plastic techniques (Land art) (10 CFA)
- Choice course (6 CFA)
- Thesis (12 CFA)
- Andrea Mariconti
- Daniela Zangrando
- Isabella Tosi
- Mario Branca
- Paolo Bellò
- Rita Siragusa
- Sara Marazzani
- Simone Lombardi
Course Goals
The Artistic Decoration Course aims to train a professional Decorator who knows the different types of materials and their creative use, starting from a solid design and bringing innovation to the environment intended for decoration. The course trains decorators who know how to collaborate with other professionals (i.e., site manager, interior designer, restorer) and allows the student to develop their style and distinctive trait, useful to propose themselves with their uniqueness to public and private clients in cultural dialogue with it. From this point of view, the opportunities for planning and realization on assignment proposed by the circuit of collaborators in contact with the Academy are fundamental, allowing the student to work on concrete projects and measure themselves with the client's requests.
Job perspectives
professional designer, executive art decorator
The training profile coming out of the path is that of a Decorator who possesses integrated skills concerning design creativity and executive methodologies, aimed at managing interventions that provide the solution of functional and aesthetic problems about a concrete client. The professional knows how to decorate different surfaces for interiors or exteriors: prepare walls, paint and cover them, and embellish the environment with decorative techniques. The decorator can find employment in design studios, building renovation companies, conservation and reproduction of historical artifacts and artistic assets not considered public property.