Contemporary Visual Arts
Visual artist, sculptor, environmental artist, digital artist, video artist
Characteristics of the course of study
Strong research skills, awareness of the practices and dynamics of the contemporary art system and market, a methodology that blends theory and practice through different possibilities: the "Final Critics" (end-of-year educational project, which allows students to exhibit their works in a collective exhibition presented to gallery owners, collectors and art critics), intensive workshops, development of results for external bodies and clients, construction of a professional portfolio, reporting of national and international competitions. Thanks to these possibilities, the graduate of the two-year specialist course in Contemporary Visual Arts will acquire basic skills that can be used professionally to continue managing public and private clients the relationship with gallery owners and museum curators.
The courses are held by established artists in the sector and designed, taking into account the dynamics of artistic experimentation in synergy with museums, galleries, awards, and art foundations. Also important are the meetings and collaborations with professionals in the sector, such as curators and art critics, and organizers of cultural events. Furthermore, the didactic plan of the course follows the natural and necessary maturation times addressed to one's own professional artistic research, favored by the presence of a small and selected number of students. Within the curriculum, there are disciplines helpful in obtaining the teaching qualification and monographs in English.
I Year
- Art Anthropology (6 CFA) *
- Phenomenology of the image (6 CFA)
- Digital photography (12 CFA)
- Painting I (10 CFA)
- Visual arts techniques and technologies I (10 CFA)
- Theory of perception and psychology of the form (6 CFA)
- Visual Arts latest trends (10 CFA)
II Year
- Phenomenology of contemporary arts (6 CFA)
- Multimedia installations (10 CFA)
- Painting II (10 CFA)
- Contemporary expressive problems (6 CFA)
- Techniques and technologies for visual arts II (10 CFA)
- Thesis (12 CFA)
- Course of your choice (6 CFA)
- Alessandra Turchetti
- Andrea Mariconti
- Damiana Gatti
- Daniela Zangrando
- Federica Cavalletti
- Marco La Rosa
- Massimo Tantardini
- Pier Paolo Patti
- Sara Munari
Course Goals
The educational objective of the Contemporary Visual Arts Course is to enhance artistic languages, practices, and techniques in the field of visual representation through the consistent development of skills related to the management of the creative image through experiments and different technologies: installations, sensitive and interactive environments, plastic forms, site- specific art, video art, and digital art.
The artist trained in the two-year specialist period will approach artistic realization following a precise design process. Thanks to methodology, learned in class and in the field, and a constant balance between reflection, creative gesture, and continuous research. You will also manage meetings and collaborations with other artists and professionals of the art system, such as curators, art critics, and organizers of cultural events.
Job perspectives
visual artist, sculptor, environment artist, video artist, digital artist
The professional profile coming out of the two years of Visual Arts is that of a visual artist with excellent technical bases, but also with a well-defined personal artistic thought; is an all-round artist who will have had the opportunity to take part in research projects and exhibitions in the fields of visual arts and public art. The professional will have the skills to relate in the design and production phase with public and private clients and will connect to gallery owners and museum curators.