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Journalist Mario Nicoliello at SantaGiulia fine arts Academy

On December 12th 2019

SantaGiulia Fine Arts Academy

Journalist Mario Nicoliello is the guest at SantaGiulia fine arts Academy on December 12th 2019, which will participate at the lesson of Public Relations by professor Margherita Saldi, with the students of the first year of Communication and enhancement of the artistic heritage.

Nicoliello, graduated in Business Economics at Brescia University, received the Franchi Prize for his degree Thesis entitled "State of the Art and prospects for the football company in Italy" (2006).
He has been a Publicist Journalist since 2009 and started his activity writing on the pages of the Giornale di Brescia (Brescia local Newspaper) with which he still collaborates.
He participated as correspondent for the last Olympics and on the occasion of the Summer Olympic Games in London (2012) he wrote daily for the Giornale di Brescia; in 2014 on the occasion of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi it activated the collaboration with Il Messaggero and Avvenire; for the same newspapers and for the Giornale di Brescia he also followed the first European Games in Baku (2015).
He currently also writes regularly for Avvenire and Il Sole 24 ore.


Accademia SantaGiulia - Vincenzo Foppa Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS - Via Cremona, 99 - 25124 Brescia
Num. Iscr. Reg. delle Imprese di Brescia e partita IVA: 02049080175 - R.E.A. 291386 - CAP. SOC. Euro 25.148,68