
Year: Reset

Source: Reset

Visiting Professor from Spain, Esther Sanz Lopez 11/02/22

Visiting Professor from Spain, Esther Sanz Lopez

The Hdemia SantaGiulia is glad to host Professor Esther Sanz Lopez Escuela de Arte La Palma from Madrid, Spain, under Erasmus + program, Teacher Mobility Action. The Professor of Fine Arts will stay at the Academy in the week from 7 November until 11 November 2022 and she will attend the lessons of ...

9 May 2022: The Festival of Cultures 05/09/22

9 May 2022: The Festival of Cultures

For the academic year 2021/2022 the Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia SantaGiulia celebrates Europe Day through the event "La Festa delle Culture" organized by the student Giulia Catenaro, Erasmus Buddy Student for this academic year, and by the incoming and outcoming students of Erasmus + . On Monda...

The Plus of Erasmus 2022: Accelerator, Learning Garage and Talents Match for Higher Education Students 04/01/22

The Plus of Erasmus 2022: Accelerator, Learning Garage and Talents Match for Higher Education Students

After the success of the first edition in 2021, the Erasmus + INDIRE National Agency and the garagErasmus Foundation are promoting a second edition of THE + OF ERASMUS. The package of activities offered to higher education students is, as always, very rich and is aimed at both incoming students in I...

Accademia SantaGiulia - Vincenzo Foppa Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS - Via Cremona, 99 - 25124 Brescia
Num. Iscr. Reg. delle Imprese di Brescia e partita IVA: 02049080175 - R.E.A. 291386 - CAP. SOC. Euro 25.148,68

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