Meeting dedicated to students for school orientation 11/08/22
Meeting dedicated to students for school orientation
Accademia SantaGiulia participates in events dedicated to orientation in Italy, dedicated to university, educational and professional orientation post-diploma and post-graduate. We will be present with a stand at several Salons to give information on our three-year courses. . Here are the next eve...
European Researchers' Night: the meetings proposed by Accademia SantaGiulia 09/30/22
European Researchers' Night: the meetings proposed by Accademia SantaGiulia
What is the European Researchers' Night? An initiative promoted by the European Commission since 2005, involving every year thousands of researchers and research institutions in all European countries with the aim of creating opportunities for researchers and citizens to meet to spread the scie...
When digital experimentation becomes artistic research:
the story of Inside my laptop 09/05/22
When digital experimentation becomes artistic research:
the story of Inside my laptop
In view of the 10th edition of the Net Art exhibition, Inside my laptop, we propose a journey through the history of the exhibition that sees every year exhibited interactive works created entirely by the students of the first year of the three-year period of the School of New Art Technologies durin...
What if creativity is the way? 08/31/22
What if creativity is the way?
What if creativity is the way? Do you recognize yourself in one or more of these traits? You don’t mind getting your hands dirty and you’d be standing in front of a canvas for hours You are fascinated by the world of show business and would like to work "behind the scenes" You are the official...
Discover the biennials
specialist 07/30/22
Discover the biennials
Why attend a two-year course in Accademia SantaGiulia? 74.6% of students enter the world of work after specialization. (Source: Almalaurea) "Continuing with the training (biennial) is important because [...] affects the ability to translate into know-how and awareness, from the theoretical point of...
Open Day specialist biennials July 2022 07/16/22
Open Day specialist biennials July 2022
Why attend a two-year course? What are the training opportunities in Accademia SantaGiulia? Find out Saturday, July 16, 2022 from 10.30 am to our Open Day dedicated to specialized biennials, the courses you can access after a three-year academic or university. The event is open to all external stu...
SantaGiulia Open Days - Grown Your Skill 06/27/22
SantaGiulia Open Days - Grown Your Skill
Would you like to choose a course of study that responds to the most requested soft skills in the business world? Take part in the SantaGiulia Open Days - Grown Your Skill, from Monday 27th June to Friday 1st July 2022. A week full of online dating and presence. Sign up and participate in our sch...
Open Days: two-year specialist courses May 2022 05/30/22
Open Days: two-year specialist courses May 2022
The 30 and 31 May 2022 will be held the Open Days of Accademia SantaGiulia: two days dedicated to the second level courses, which can be accessed after a three-year academic or university course. The event is open to all external students and internal students of Accademia SantaGiulia who wish to l...
May 24th: open day 05/24/22
May 24th: open day
Tuesday, May 24th will take place our Open Day dedicated to our three-year courses. Are you about to graduate and are still undecided on which of our courses to choose? Would you like to get to know our students and visit us? Join and participate in our Open Day! During the day you can: > from 9...
Virtual Italian Days - Central and South America 05/12/22
Virtual Italian Days - Central and South America
Accademia SantaGiulia in collaboration with Uni-Italia participates in the cycle of events of Virtual Italian Days on Higher Education: from 12th to 14th May 2022, stage in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic. You will find us online in chat: 12th and 13th May from 7pm to 10pm and...
Job Week 2022 05/10/22
Job Week 2022
From 10th to 12nd May 2022 SantaGiulia Academy participates in Job Week - the fair about job and worker, organized by Campus Orienta Digital. During the scheduled events, ideas, initiatives and projects in favor of youth employment will be discussed with conferences, career meetings and workshops h...
Student Fair - Chieti e Pescara 2022 05/04/22
Student Fair - Chieti e Pescara 2022
The Student Halls "Campus Orienta" are held throughout Italy and are events dedicated to university orientation, training and professional post-diploma and post-graduate. The stage of Pescara and Chieti will be on 4 & 5 May 2022. Among the best Italian and foreign Universities and Academies we wil...
Student fair - Catania 04/27/22
Student fair - Catania
The Student Halls "Campus Orienta" are held throughout Italy and are events dedicated to university orientation, training and professional post-diploma and post-graduate. The stage of Catana will be on 27th, 28th and 29th April 2022. Among the best Italian and foreign Universities and Academies we...
Student fair - Bari 04/05/22
Student fair - Bari
The Student Halls "Campus Orienta" are held throughout Italy and are events dedicated to university orientation, training and professional post-diploma and post-graduate. The stage of Bari will be on 5, 6 and 7 April 2022. Among the best Italian and foreign Universities and Academies we will be th...
Virtual Italian Days - Eastern Europe 04/01/22
Virtual Italian Days - Eastern Europe
Accademia SantaGiulia in collaboration with Uni-Italia participates in the cycle of events of Virtual Italian Days on Higher Education: 1st April 2022, stage in Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. You will find us online in chat from 3.30pm to 6.30pm 8th and 9th April 2022, stage in Greec...
OrientaWeek two-year specialization: 2022, March 03/28/22
OrientaWeek two-year specialization: 2022, March
From March 28th to April 1st, 2022 will take place the OrientaWeek two-year specialization: a week dedicated to our courses, which can be accessed after a three-year academic or university course. The event is open to internal students of Accademia SantaGiulia who wish to learn about the continuati...
Open Days: two days dedicated to three-year courses 03/22/22
Open Days: two days dedicated to three-year courses
Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 March 2022 will be held the Open Days of Accademia SantaGiulia: two days dedicated to our Three-Year Courses, with webinars and Orientation Meetings. For the registration, contact us at There are two different ways to participate at ...
Campus Orienta Digital - Exhibition of creativity 03/15/22
Campus Orienta Digital - Exhibition of creativity
From 15th to 17th March 2022 Accademia SantaGiulia will participate online at the Exhibition of creativity (Fine Arts, Fashion, Architecture and Design) by Campus Orienta Digital online. "Campus Orienta" Salons are events dedicated to post-diploma and post-graduate university, training and professi...
Virtual Italian Days - Maghreb 03/09/22
Virtual Italian Days - Maghreb
The 9 and 10 March 2022 Accademia SantaGiulia in collaboration with Uni-Italia participates in the cycle of events of Virtual Italian Days on Higher Education, stage Maghreb - Algeria. During the days of the exhibition you can talk to our representatives of Uni-Italia Centers next to you and ask fo...
Virtual Italian Days - Western Asia 03/07/22
Virtual Italian Days - Western Asia
On 7 and 8 March 2022, SantaGiulia Academy in collaboration with Uni-Italy participates in the cycle of events of Virtual Italian Days on Higher Education, stage Western Asia. During the days of the exhibition you can talk to our representatives of Uni-Italia Centers next to you and ask for support...
Campus Orienta Digital - Islands 02/22/22
Campus Orienta Digital - Islands
From 22 to 24 February 2022 Accademia SantaGiulia is online in the Islands (Sicily and Sardinia) with Campus Orienta Digital. Visit our virtual showcase, active for all the days of the fair. You can see photos, videos, and send us a request for information. Accademia SantaGiulia organizes event...